It's a silly time to learn to swim on the way down
Well why am I quoting this fabulous Tegan and Sarah song? It came on during my morning commute and it had me thinking- yeah! I bet a lot of society feels the same way about climate change.
It is beyond me how people can deny that climate change exists- or say they 'don't believe in it'. It's not a religion, cult movement, theoretical ideal or ideas spun by your average street-corner crazy. It is a scientifically documented, million researcher strong, thousands of pages-per-volume fact.
But- it would be so much easier to get by day to day if you didn't feel like the world around you was closing in and smothering you. We don't know how to swim through all this information- and with the policy makers in their later years, they have some trouble understanding what to do and think if they just ignore it, deny it, or drag their feet they can just tread water instead of swimming forward.
I totally see how that gets overwhelming. But that just looks like opportunity to me! Let's start moving politicians into skimpy bikinis and begin some synchronized swimming.
This environmental movement is a political advantage, a job creator and a way to pull communities together. We need to stop thinking that when we throw something into the trash it just goes away and doesn't affect anyone else. We need to realize that we depend on each other, and the efforts of each other for our health and well-being.
If Gaia theory is correct (the idea that earth is one big living organism) and I believe it is, let's give her more reasons to want to keep us here than purge us out via rising sea levels, melting ice caps, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and disease. Let's start proving that we can do good here, and fix the hurt we've started. If we don't, we're drowning ourselves really. And you don't have to believe in that to fall victim to it.
Great points Casey! We all need to start learning how to swim in the "deep end." Seems like you are the swimming teacher at the Willow School. It would be great to hear student voices and get them involved in blogging about their hopes and fears for the future.